
Our Services

CDC provides a number of services ranging from assessment to interventions of various disorders to provide integrated services under one roof and aim at making the children proactive in their lifestyle and excel in all domains of development.

Early Intervention

Early detection of developmental problems provides an opportunity for early intervention to shift a child’s developmental trajectory to the optimum level and maximize their potential.

Psychological Assessment

Our Psychologists deal with the assessments and testing of children to know the root cause of the problem. The testing protocol doesn’t involve any invasive procedure.

Pediatric Physiotherapy

Our Physiotherapists perform standardized neurological and physical assessment to assess the present condition of the child. They deal with musculoskeletal problems

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists at “I Care” are trained in performing neurological assessment and sensory profiles for the children with sensory processing disorder.

Speech Therapy

Our Speech Therapists assess the speech problems in children with the administration of standardized tests and tools to provide the accurate

Special Education

Special Educators perform formal and informal educational assessments to know the current grade of the child in which he/ she is performing. They help in improving

IQ Testing

IQ testing is a method used to measure a person’s intelligence quotient (IQ). It is a standardized assessment designed to provide an estimate of an individual’s

Behavioral Modification

Behavioral modification refers to the systematic approach of changing or altering behavior patterns in individuals or groups. It involves using various techniques and strategies

Scholastic Performance Testing

Scholastic Performance Testing refers to the assessment of a student’s academic abilities, knowledge, and skills in various subjects or areas of study. It is commonly used to eval

Aptitude and Interest Testing

Aptitude and interest testing is a common method used to assess an individual’s abilities and preferences in various areas. These tests are designed to help individuals understand

Poor Performance

Poor scholastic performance can be challenging for students, but with effective management strategies, it is possible to improve academic performance.

Scholastic Performance Testing

Scholastic Performance Testing refers to the assessment of a student’s academic abilities, knowledge, and skills in various subjects or areas of study. It is commonly used to eval

Developmental Screening

Developmental screening is a process used to identify children who may have developmental delays or disabilities.

Developmental Therapy

Developmental therapy, also known as early intervention or early childhood intervention, is a specialized form of therapy designed to support

Counseling and Psychotherapy

Counseling and psychotherapy are professional services provided by trained therapists to help individuals, couples, families, or groups address

Physical Rehabilitation

Physical rehabilitation, also known as physiotherapy or physical therapy, is a branch of healthcare that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and management of physical